

What our students say about us

What our students say about us

Officially certified by Instituto Cervantes, DELE & Siele exams accredited center.

Spanish schools in Guatemala image celas maya web
Spanish schools in Guatemala image celas maya web
Spanish schools in Guatemala image celas maya web

Officially certified by Instituto Cervantes, DELE & Siele exams accredited center.

Spanish schools in Guatemala image celas maya web

Speak to an entire continent!

Classes start on Mondays, but you can begin on any other day without extra charges. Choose between the morning schedule (8am-1pm) or the afternoon schedule (2pm-7pm). Register now and guarantee your spot at Celas Maya.

Speak to an entire continent!

Classes start on Mondays, but you can begin on any other day without extra charges. Choose between the morning schedule (8am-1pm) or the afternoon schedule (2pm-7pm). Register now and guarantee your spot at Celas Maya.