Personal Information
Full name:
Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy):
Passport Number:
Profession / Ocupation:
Information regarding your flight and arrival to Guatemala Need Pickup: YesNo
Airline. Flight #: Arrival date in Guatemala: Time of arrival:
Arrival date to Xela or school*:
Your preferences regarding your classes at Celas Maya
Requested study start date (mm/dd/yyyy)*:
Spanish level: A1A2B1B2C1C2
Special Courses Business SpanishMedical SpanishSpanish for TeachersSpanish for Young People and AdolescentsSpanish AbroadSpanish and VolunteeringSpanish for TravellersSpanish and Latin American LiteratureSpanish and GuitarSpanish and SalsaDELE Preparation Courseskiche CoursesComplete Spanish Courses
How many weeks do you plan to study?: 1 Week2 WeeksMore Weeks
Write how many weeks you are going to study:
Number of hours per week*: 30252015
interests (sport, history):
Please select the kind of learner you are: AUDITORYVISUALKINESTHETIC
OTHER (Write):
What is your learning style?
Preferences regarding your homestay family Do you want a homestay?: YesNo
Date of admission to the family
Describe any preferences concerning your family homestay; e.g. pets, children, smoking:
Describe any special dietary requirements:
Describe any allergies or medical conditions of concern:
Additional Information Please provide emergency contact information. At a minimum, include name, telephone number, and relationship:
How did you find out about Celas Maya: GoogleFriendsSocial MediaOthers
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